Friday, August 25, 2006

8/24 Live Feeds--Overnight News

Will the strategizing continue as we head into the night? It's getting closer to the nominations with the overnight events of the BB house:

Time to see Erika's HoH room! It's a totally girled-out room with little flowers everywhere. After everyone left, Danielle and Erika talked. Danielle doesn't know why Janelle voted against James. Danielle doesn't understand why Will told her James' eviction was his (W) fault. The two think that Janelle is with CT. Erika can't believe that "we" (her and Danielle) are HoH. (Even though Danielle isn't really HoH...)

Will told Mike to tell Erika that if she puts up George and Janelle, to put up Danielle if one of them comes off. They think that Janelle will definitely be nominated, but Mike is worried that Will may be put up as a pawn. Will just told Mike to talk to Erika later to see what see is going to do tomorrow. Shortly after, a Mexican feast arrived for the HG (except George, that is).

Mike told the HG about the expired Coup d'Etat power. The HG then talked about having a food competition tomorrow. (Not sure if this is true or not--usually food comps are over once sequester starts.)

Mike had a long talk with Erika about her nominations. She told Mike not to worry and that the two of them are safe. She will nominate George and Janelle. If one of them comes off, Danielle will go up.

Currently, Janelle and Will are the only ones up. They seem to be going to go to bed soon.

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