Sunday, August 20, 2006

8/20 Show Recap

My 200th post!! Haha--just thought I'd say that. I can't believe I've posted 200 already in these short two months. Shows how obsessed I am with this blog! Anyway, onto tonight's show. It should be a nice, filled show. Here goes:

Julie's opening the show! Hmm...feels like a Thursday. Janelle was shocked that Marcellas was evicted, and can't believe she fell for people she thought she trusted. Danielle was extremely upset that she had to evict her friend. Janelle finally realized that she needs to do what's right for her in this game. (Geez--only took her three HoH's!) George cannot believe that he won HoH. Danielle can't believe she lost to George. Janelle was very excited that Danielle didn't win, while Erika isn't too happy about it. George says that nominating James was easy, while nominating Erika was a little tough. Danielle doesn't know what George is thinking. James thinks that it's payback for him nominating George win he was HoH. Erika has no idea what is going on. James says that he is coming after George. Mike thinks that George was the worst person to make a sudden nomination. Danielle hopes that George will backdoor Janelle. Time for George's HoH room! Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! It's nice and retro for George along with green and yellow colors. Howie of course had to say that George's daughters were hot. Janelle is puzzled that she thinks she is safe when someone like George won HoH. He tells them that he will not go after them.

Onto the PoV competition! The players are: George--Howie, Erika--Danielle, and James--Will. James and Mike agree that they have a good chance for James to win and Janelle to be backdoored. Before PoV, Mike tried to convince George that Janelle needs to go. Onto the competition: it's a BB gnome forest! Oh my--chains and handcuffs too! You are chained to a log, and must use items from past competitions to reach a bag that contains a key to unlock yourselves. (I'm not sure about the gnomes--Will said that the gnomes "played a trick" on them.) The first person to unlock themselves wins! And the winner of PoV is...James! George's reaction: "Ohhhhh, damnit!" Howie wasn't too happy that James began his veto reign once again. Erika once either Howie or Janelle up. The two make an agreement that they will work together. Mike wants Janelle out. He guarantees him safety if he does so. Will wants George to put him up, so Erika can go. George is basically like, "WTF?" He says that nobody would target him, but rather CT. George has no idea what to do.

Janelle finally realized that James is against her via George. He tells her that he will not put her up as long as he can team up with Howie and Janelle and that they will keep Erika this week. George tells Erika that he is putting Will up, and Erika freaks out. She thinks she will go. Onto the PoV ceremony: James used the PoV on himself. George put up Howie. Let's just say...he didn't take it well. Janelle and Will are trying to calm him down, but he's just going crazy! Howie asked Mike and Will if they would keep him, and they said yes, convincing Howie that he is safe this week. James, Mike, and Will discussed who should go, and what do you know? Howie overhears them expose the LoD alliance!

Time for the live voting: Danielle--Howie, James--Erika, Janelle--Erika, Will--Howie, and Mike--Howie. By a vote of 3-2, Howie has been evicted. Oh dear--Howie and Mike got into a bit of a spif before Howie exited. He threw Mike's hat and started screaming in his face. I must say I am kind of on his side because Mike did promise him safety. I don't know why Howie didn't go off on Will either though.

Time for the HoH competition! It's very similar to the previous PoV competition in involving gnomes. It involves questions about how the gnomes answered. If you get it wrong, you get pied by the gnomes! 1st out--Danielle and Erika. 2nd out--Will. 3rd out--Janelle. Winner of HoH--Mike!

Who will Mike nominate? And how will the PoV influence the game? Find out Tuesday--at a special time: 9 PM!

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