Monday, August 28, 2006

8/28 Live Feeds--Evening News

What an exciting evening...NOT. Hopefully it gets a little better as the night goes on. (I'm sure alcohol will play a part in tonight's festivities as well. Here's the evening news so far from the BB house:

The HG receive their five-star dinner tomorrow they earned in the food competition. They plan on getting all dressed up for it and taking dates as well.

Will told George he is officially a member of CT. (Didn't know you had to apply to become a member of a BB alliance! Silly me!)

Danielle asked BB for more beer. (Don't do it BB!!)

Other than that, nothing has really happened. The house is pretty depressed, thanks to Danielle.

Currently, Will is telling Janelle about why he has done certain things this season. The other HG are small-talking.

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