Sunday, August 20, 2006

8/20 Live Feeds--Evening News

After an eventful day yesterday, today (being Sunday) has been a little on the boring side. There's been little strategy talk to cap off the evening. Hopefully things heat up a bit as we head into the night. Here's the lowdown on the evening events inside the BB house:

Janelle cooked chicken for the HG and didn't like how it turned out. George disagreed and said that it smelled great. The two discuss what will happen on tonight's show while cleaning up the kitchen.

James told George that he wants to leave. (Remember--George hates it when people say they want to leave. George is happy to be in the house and thinks it's an honor. He lifted up the spirits of both Jase and Howie when they told George they wanted to leave. However, it didn't work out so well--for either of them.) James says he's sick of the game being rigged and feels like the producers want him out. George doesn't seem to be paying any attention to him. (Hopefully James will get over this fiasco. He's bringing the whole mood of the house down much like Marcellas did when he was in the house.)

Janelle and Will played chess. Will has never played before, so Janelle teaches him a few tricks. The rest of the HG are outside talking--no strategy however.

Currently, the feeds are showing Danielle and James play pool, and George and Mike talking in the HoH room.


Anonymous said...

I don't have live feeds, I rely on the blogs and message boards some blogs speculate events or talks that later I read wasnt true but I find your blog is very accurate, right now I read that people are complaining and wanting to write Cbs cause Janelle agreed to sign a contract with Will & Boogie something about money winnings, do you know if that is true, I love Janelle shes my favorite, I wonder if Janelle is attempting to pay back Mike and will do and say whatever she has too in order to later kick him in his jewels ( if he has any )

BB13 said...

According to their contracts, the HG are not allowed to make any deals with any other HG regarding splitting winnings. Anytime a HG says anything about splittling money, we get fire, so I have no idea.