Sunday, August 13, 2006

8/13 Show Recap

Who will Erika nominate? Let's find out:

The house all seemed very upset by Kaysar's eviction. Janelle is mad at George because she thought George had promised Kaysar his vote. (He didn't actually promise--but he told him not to worry.) However, a selected few seemed very upset by the malfunctioning machines in the HoH competition. So...what will happen? An HoH redo! The HoH redo involved the same type of questions, but in a different format--the A/B one. 1st out--George and Will. 2nd out--Erika, Howie, and Marcellas. 3rd out--James.

4th out--Mike. Winner--Janelle. She tells Howie and James that Danielle and Erika have to go up because they have a stronger bond than Danielle and Marcellas do. As for the Coup d'Etat answers: Danielle guessed, "Do not assume." James guessed, "Pull the wool over your eyes." Erika guessed, "Do not assume." George guessed, "You are expected to expect the unexpected." James and Mike plan to really push Janelle to put up Marcellas next to Danielle, so Marcellas will go this week. They both agree that Danielle must stay to take out Janelle.

Time for the food competition! Each HG is required to make a dish while incorporating slop with it. Time limit--one hour. Meanwhile, three guest judges will judge you (1-5) based on creativity, presentation, and taste. Total score of 3-9, slop for the day dish is made for. Total score of 10-14, full food for that particular day. Total score of 15, a barbeque for that day. As for the judging, the guest judges were Jun (BB4), Marvin (BB5), and Nicole (BB2). Monday: slop crisp with vanilla ice cream made by Janelle. Tuesday: slopfredo made by Erika. Wednesday: slopcakes with confetti vegetables made by Danielle. Thursday: all-star cupcake medley made by Will. Friday: sloppy slow-roast pasta with garlic cheese sauce made by Janelle. Saturday: sloptacular all-star burritos made by Danielle. Sunday: sloffles with blueberry compost made by Janelle and Marcellas. As for the results--Monday: 10. Tuesday: 11. Wednesday: 8. Thursday: 11. Friday: 10. Saturday: 11. Sunday: 15. So, that's slop for Wednesday (due to Danielle), and a barbeque on Sunday (due to Janelle and Marcellas).

Howie, Janelle, Mike, and Will created a wonderful rock video for all of us to see. It was quite entertaining. Janelle continued to express her wanting to evict Danielle by nominating Erika next to her. She also said that they need to be nice to George because once they get Danielle out, they need him to help them get rid of Erika and Marcellas. Will she follow through with this?

Order of keys: James, Howie, Marcellas, George, Will, and Mike, leaving Danielle and Erika nominated.

Who will win the PoV? And will it be used to save either Danielle or Erika?

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