Friday, August 25, 2006

8/25 Live Feeds--Afternoon Update

Ahh Friday...nominations today! What will Erika do? It's an afternoon of constant strategizing in the BB house, and here's the report:

Mike told Will that he thinks he can sway Erika to not nominate Will. Will tells Mike that if George and Janelle are nominated, then they must help Janelle win PoV. First, Mike has to convince Erika to not nominate Will though.

A note from the food competition--today is the only day the HG are on slop (except George and Erika).

Erika and Will talked. Erika told Will that she plans on nominating George and Janelle. If Janelle wins PoV, she will put Will up, but assures him that George will be the one going. They agree that Janelle cannot win the PoV and must go this week. Assuming Janelle does go this week, the next target will be Danielle. They continue talking, and Will is afraid that Danielle is coming after CT should she win HoH. Erika said that she is gunning for George. Will doesn't believe her. They continue to predict the events following this week. (How can you do that? The nominations for THIS week haven't even happened yet. Don't get ahead of yourselves, now!)

George and Janelle talked. Janelle thinks that they will be nominated against each other. George thinks the PoV will be physical, as they have been recently. Meanwhile, Will reported to Danielle about his talk with Erika. (Nothing she didn't already know.)

We have had off and on fire for about the last hour now. It looks like it's going to stay fire as the nominations should be in progress. I'll have the result as soon as I know it!

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