Tuesday, August 15, 2006

8/15 Show Recap

Who will win PoV? And will it be used to save either Danielle or Erika?

Danielle and Erika were not surprised by their nominations. James said that Danielle needs to stay for him. Marcellas is sure that he will be nominated should one of them be saved by the PoV. Erika and Mike's showmance has definitely heated up, even with a proposal! (Not really, of course. But it was still entertaining.) Marcellas desperately tried to reason with Janelle that their deal to go to the final two still stands. Marcellas in DR: "If I win HoH, the buxom blonde is toast." (So much for the deal...)

The second Coup d'Etat clue was a giant needle and thread. Howie guessed, "Wolf in sheep's clothing," after help from Janelle. He told the other HG he guessed, "Spool of lies," which the HG did not buy at all. Time to pick players for the veto competition! The players are Will, Erika, Marcellas, Danielle, and James.

Time to compete for the veto competition! A surprise host too! Nicole from BB2! Here's the rules: First, a former HG will do a particular task. Then the HG write down a time that they can do that task. If they do it in that time, they stay in the game, and get to eliminate someone else. If not, they are eliminated. The first guest was April from BB6--she had to eat some gross crap (don't remember what it was!!) Will beat his projected time and eliminated Marcellas. The second guest was Scott from BB5. He has to participate in the flamingo toss. James beat his projected time and eliminated Erika. The third guest was Jack from BB4. He had to place a glass on a table after being spun in a chair after two minutes. James did not beat his projected time, so he got eliminated. The fourth guest was Hardy from BB2. He had to last as long as he could on a mechanical bull. Will did not beat his projected time, so he got eliminated. Therefore, Danielle was GIVEN the PoV. (Dear God--she SUCKS at comps, but she has won TWO, thanks to other people!! GRR!)

Howie and Janelle were extremely upset at James for not getting rid of Danielle in the PoV competition, like Janelle told him too. She then talked to CT about why Will took out Marcellas. Will said it's because Mike does not like Marcellas. They told her to put up Marcellas, but also not to trust James. Will tells her to put up James, but Janelle doesn't agree. Erika, Janelle, Mike, and Will took a shower together. Howie was not happy to be left out of it.

PoV Ceremony: Danielle used the PoV on herself. Janelle put up Marcellas in her place.

Who will be evicted--Erika or Marcellas? And who will win HoH? Plus, will the Coup d'Etat be won, and will it be used? Find out Thursday!

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