Thursday, August 24, 2006

8/24 Live Feeds--Evening News

Aha! Erika wins HoH, so what sort of strategizing will we see on this Thursday evening? It's the evening events from the BB house:

Mike and Will discussed this week. They agree that they must do everything they can to make sure Janelle wins PoV. Even if Will is nominated next to her, Janelle has to win the PoV. Will agrees--he doesn't care if he goes home but Janelle must stay. They say that they will do everything they can to make sure Danielle goes this week.

Erika told George that she plans on putting him up as a pawn alongside Janelle. Danielle later told him the same thing. Later, Erika told Danielle that she will nominate George and Janelle, with Janelle being the target.

Danielle told Mike that she is coming after Will full force.

Janelle thinks that her and Will are going up tomorrow.

Currently, all the HG are scurried around the house.

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