Saturday, August 19, 2006

8/18 Live Feeds--Overnight Info

Tonight was not an exciting night, more of a somber night, especially for Janelle. However, some stuff still did happen, and here's the overnight news in the BB house:

Janelle and Will had a long talk. They talked about Howie being evicted and all...mainly just a lot of consoling from Will. Meanwhile, Mike got his HoH room, and apparently, the pictures in it are not his family! He thinks they are Howie's. (Hmm...did BB honestly think Howie would win HoH? Haha just kidding...)

Danielle, Erika, Mike and Will talk up in HoH. All except Will want Janelle out this week and are trash-talking her. Will is defending her, saying that this week will be tough for her, and doesn't think she should be evicted. The others disagree.

BB gave the HG seven bottles of wine--one for each HG. (Oh joy, more drunkeness!) The HG all talked outside while busily drinking their wine. Janelle got pretty drunk but didn't say anything until she and James went inside to talk. Janelle says that she is done and wants to leave--she can't do it without Howie. James just tells her that she's drunk, and she doesn't know what she is saying.

Janelle then talks to Will, and she starts acting very creepy. She says that she is depressed, wants to go home, and is even suicidal. (Remember--she just had one whole bottle of wine.) Will is trying to convince her to go to bed, and she'll feel better tomorrow. After their talk, Will tried to explain to various HG how Janelle feels. (Him and James are the ONLY ones consoling her or even bothering to talk to her. Danielle, Erika, and Mike all just trash-talked her and talked about how happy they are that Howie is gone. It makes me sick.)

Danielle and James agreed that it was Janelle's fault that Kaysar was evicted. (????? Umm Danielle YOU put him up!! AGHHHHHH!!!!! Of all the people in the house, she is the one that I cannot STAND!) She is upset that people in the house would vote for George in the finals, but not her. (Cause you are a BITCH Dani! Have you not noticed?) Then, just when I thought it couldn't get any worse...SHE TALKS ABOUT HER WINNING HOH AGAIN!!!!!!!!! (Did she not realize yet that she was GIVEN, yes GIVEN the HoH??)

Janelle was the last one asleep at 3:40 AM. She is incredibly sad, and nobody really seems to care other than Will and James a little. I say just leave the show, and have a ton of fun in sequester Janelle! These people are not for you.


Anonymous said...

I really do not like Danille why do these other people listen to that witch I can't stand her nappy hair -do

BB13 said...

I used to like her; however, she has gotten increasingly rude and hateful towards Janelle lately, which makes me mad.

Anonymous said...

The Black widow is a total bitch! I'm really starting to hate Boogie too! Erika is a complete slutty bimbo and James is the lowest snake imaginable!!! Janelle rocks!
Howie is a sweetie and Kaysar-well he's just as dreamy as can be:)
Forever S6 Trio!

Anonymous said...

I liked Dani during her season along side Jason, she has gotten so evil and although she says its just a game or it is what it is" she says it to justify her own personal nasty behavior.