Friday, August 25, 2006

8/25 Live Feeds--Morning Report

ACK!! Blogger, the blogging site I'm using is EXTREMELY down right now, so if the site isn't loading--don't freak out. It took ages for it to load for me! Onto the morning events in the BB house:

Janelle was the last one asleep last night at 5:00 AM. This morning, Erika was the first one up at 9:00 AM. BB issued a number of wake-up calls from 10-11 AM to get the restless HG out of bed for what? A food competition!

Here's the scoop: Everyone has these cool little suits on. Danielle and Janelle are birds, Erika and George are flowers, and Mike and Will are bees. The HG must work together to get the nectar from the flowers to the bees, and then the honey from the bees to the birds. We have had fire for the last 30 minutes. (Usually they show us these food comps! Darn them!)

Once the feeds return, I'll update anything I notice.

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