Friday, August 18, 2006

8/18 Live Feeds--Evening News

How will the HG react to Mike's winning of HoH and Howie's eviction? It's another busy, busy evening inside the BB house, and here's the latest:

Just a little recapping here: The feeds did return at 6:10 PM, with Erika and Janelle crying, and James consoling the two. It was apparent that Howie had been evicted, thanks to CT's votes.

Now onto what's happen since then: Will told Mike that he should get rid of James this week for Janelle. I honestly think he feels bad for her, since her ally left. James gave Janelle a confidence boost and told her that she will stay because she is a fighter.

According to them, Danielle, Mike, and Will had a celebration after Mike winning HoH. (Hmm Danielle...what happened to good sportsmanship???? What a snake!! Get her gone!!!!)

According to the HG talk, Howie made a huge scene before leaving the house. (GOOD!! I can't wait to see it...only wished Janelle would have done the same when she won HoH after Kaysar being how much I miss season six...) The HG also cheered when Howie left. (Jesus Christ--I love the BB house of hypocrites!!)

There's been a lot of consoling Janelle and rehashing the events of tonight. Overall, not much strategy. My guess for the schedule--nominations later tonight, with everything else being right on schedule.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't stand Danelle she is a nasty snake, I hope Will back-stabs her.