Thursday, August 31, 2006

8/30 Live Feeds--Overnight Info

Well, the night wasn't as exciting as I hoped it to be. BB actually did not give them alcohol tonight, which probably led to the unexcitement. Here's how the night went down in the BB house:

Mike asked if George was nominating the two girls if he got HoH next week. He said yes. Mike is also concerned about Janelle's and Will's relationship with each other. He says that Will is acting as though they are planning to go out after the show, when Will actually has a girlfriend. Mike is just bothered by that.

Mike and Will agreed that they are going to try for the HoH tomorrow because they aren't sure if they are safe with the girls or not.

At this point, I would expect a Danielle eviction tomorrow, possibly by a unanimous vote. As for the rest of the night's happenings, I'm very excited to see the show tomorrow!

Currently, Erika is the only one still up, and she is outside by herself.


Anonymous said...

Wasn't George the one who was just saying he can't believe CT hasn't been kicked out yet? He was HOH before and didn't get rid of them and now he's saying he'll nominate the girls if he wins HOH this week?! I hope he was just telling Mike what he thinks he wanted to hear. He's an idiot if he doesn't get rid of Will.

Anonymous said...

Maybe George thinks he cannot win against either of the girls. That the jury will be so mad at CT, that he will win? Maybe not a bad strategy.

Anonymous said...

Aha!! Good thought