Sunday, August 13, 2006

8/13 Live Feeds--Evening News

Will Janelle make a clear decision on who her replacement nominee will be? And will there be another clue? Find out in the next exciting report of the evening events in the BB house:

James and Mike talked. Mike said that he wouldn't put Janelle up at this point, but after her saying that she wanted to put him up last night, he said that he might backdoor her should he win HoH next week.

Howie has started the snide comments towards the floaters today. They are already annoyed by it. (Howie, unlike last year, this people can and will come after you for being rude to them. Stop while you can!)

Mike guessed, "Reap what you sow," as an answer for the Coup d'Etat. BB told the HG that the phrase is "a common phrase that sometimes applies to the BB game." Julie forgot the "sometimes" in her explanation on Thursday's show. Janelle, Mike, and Will think that whoever wins gets to do something with the nominations. (They are getting close...!) Mike continues to push to Janelle for Marcellas to go up, not George. Janelle is stil undecided it seems.

An outdoor lockdown was issued at 7:15 BBT. The HG think a new clue might be issued.

At this point, it seems Janelle wants to nominate George, but she is being extremely pressured by others to nominate Marcellas. I think no matter who goes up, Erika will be evicted on Thursday however.

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