Monday, August 21, 2006

8/21 Live Feeds--Evening News

So far, this evening isn't as exciting as the rest of the day has been. However, we are just getting started with the night festivities! Here's the early evening events from the BB house:

Will told Danielle that he trusts her and Mike completely, while he somewhat trusts James. They then talk about how much more quiet the house is without Howie or Marcellas. James and Mike join them, and the four begin discussing a new name for their LoD alliance--Danielle says "Doom of Sovreign," but James says that is what Janelle's alliance is named. James is mad because Erika told him that Janelle deserves to win.

George and Will talked about the vote. Will assured him that he is staying and to not worry about it. After this, Will goes up to the main camera in the backyard and starts talking to us Internet viewers. Unfortunately, we got a lot of fire as Will started to give out the BB address and such. (Will, sometimes it's better to just talk with the other HG while we observe!)

Currently, all HG (except Janelle) are outside talking--just small talk though. Janelle is inside sleeping I believe.

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