Thursday, August 17, 2006

8/17 Show Recap

Who will be evicted? And who will win HoH? Also, will the Coup d'Etat be awarded and used to completely change the game?

Erika was shocked that Janelle nominated Marcellas, but then realized that her chances are better of staying with Marcellas on the block with her. Janelle told him that he was safe, but you can never be so sure. Danielle is torn on who to vote out. The Legion of Doom agreed to vote out Marcellas even though Mike and Will told Janelle that they would vote out Erika. However, they can't trust Erika too much. George told Erika that he would vote out Marcellas. He then turned right around and told Marcellas he would vote Erika out. Janelle once again promised Marcellas that he is safe and that Erika is going home. Marcellas then went to Mike and Will, and they told him they are going to vote out Erika. Meanwhile, the HG got all dressed up for prom!

Janelle's talk with Julie: Janelle wants to trust James, but she has a feeling like he has something with Danielle. She wants to be friends with Marcellas, but his relationship with Danielle has come between them. Time for the Coup d'Etat! The clues: a sheep/lamb, a needle and thread, and the grim reaper. Danielle, Erika, James, George, Howie, Mike, and Janelle. Mike won the Coup! First, you can exercise the power only once in the next three weeks. The power--overthrowing the HoH, and replacing the nominations, but you cannot nominate the dethrowned HoH or the PoV winner.

Live voting: Mike--Marcellas, Howie--Marcellas, James--Marcellas, Will--Marcellas, George--Marcellas, and Danielle--Marcellas. Marcellas has been evicted on a 6-0 vote.

Double eviction week!! HoH Competition: It's prom night! America's chose for prom queen is Janelle! But since she can't play, she doesn't get a boost. (Grr...) Questions will be asked based on how America voted for various prom titles. Whoever gets the most points win! Winner of HoH: GEORGE!!!!!!!

George's nominations: James and ERIKA!

Who will be evicted? Find out Sunday!

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