Sunday, August 27, 2006

8/27 Show Recap

Who will Erika nominate?

Will told the HG that he is solely responsible for the past three evictions. Danielle and Mike don't know why Janelle voted James out. Mike told Danielle to not blame him for James' eviction because he could not vote. Danielle wants Will out. Erika was extremely happy to finally win an HoH, and thus get a guaranteed spot in the final five. She told Danielle that she was safe. Janelle is not happy that Erika won. Will said that he has now lost 21 HoH's in a row. The house taught George and Janelle how to play poker. Janelle won every game they played, much to the house's dismay. OoOoO Erika's HoH room! It's a floral paradise!--much to Will's dismay. George was upset at all the food Erika got--especially the homemade chocolate chip cookies. Danielle still does not understand why Janelle votes against James. They think she has a deal with someone else in the house. They think that Janelle and Will have some sort of deal together, which makes Danielle want to get rid of Will even more.

The HG have had a blast with George's bellyflopping. Danielle told Will that she was extremely upset that Will voted him out. Will assured her that he is going after Janelle next, not her, because Janelle told him she was coming after CT. Danielle cannot wait to evict Will. Janelle enjoys flirting with Will, and it makes her feel good. Erika told Mike that she is putting Janelle and Will up. Erika wants Janelle to go, but she doesn't have a problem with Will going to the jury because that's another vote for either one of them to win. Mike doesn't want Will to go this early though. Erika doesn't know who Mike wants out more--her or Will. Mike says that he wants to go farther with Will than Erika, but needs to make sure Erika doesn't think that.

Time for the food competition! The HG got to dress up in these outdoor-esy type costumes. The birds (Danielle/Janelle) and the bees (Mike/Will) post pollinate these huge flower baths and deliver it to the sunflowers (Erika/George). They will then place the nectar in a container labeling a certain food or luxury. So what did the HG earn? They lost the red room to earn meat and fish for the week, they got one day of slop to earn a trampoline, they got another day of slop to earn Christmas in August (Janelle of course went off on what she wants BB to give her for the Christmas), George got a slop pass, a five-star dinner, and they got alcohol for the week in exchange for the pool table.

CT needs Erika to keep Janelle and instead get Danielle out. Will tried to convince Erika to get rid of Danielle this week instead of Janelle. Erika doesn't think that Danielle would come after her, but Will thinks otherwise. He told Erika that Danielle is unbeaten when it comes to the finals. The two agreed that Danielle is currently the biggest threat.

Order of keys: Danielle, Mike, and Will, leaving George and Janelle nominated.

Who will win PoV? And will it be used to save either George or Janelle from eviction?

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