Thursday, August 24, 2006

8/24 Show Recap

Who will be evicted--George or James? And who will win HoH?

James thinks that George will leave this week. George is not going to campaign for votes and hope for the best. Will thinks that James is playing both the LoD's side and Janelle's side. Erika doesn't know who to vote out. Danielle thinks the best thing to do is to vote out George. Danielle and Janelle agreed on a one-week truce. Danielle told Janelle that she will go after CT if she wins the next HoH. Janelle told James that she will vote to keep him, which makes James feel confident he will stay this week. Will told James that he has nothing to worry about. Danielle needs James to stay for her emotional self. She will go crazy if James is evicted this week. Will told Mike that James must go this week for CT's personal safety next week.

Time for the jury house! The house is beautiful, and of course Marcellas' constant bitching ruins it! GRR...! Howie walks through the door, and he screams! Marcellas is not happy about Howie joining him in the jury house. Howie was pretty offensive while watching the week's events with Marcellas. Looks like an intense week in the jury house!

A showmance here, a showmance there--a special on Mike and Will's showmances with Erika and Janelle. While Erika and Mike's relationship is more physical, Janelle and Will's is more flirtatious. Will thinks Erika is kissing everyone's ass--and she is! He thinks Janelle is much more trustworthy and nice than Erika is. Time for Julie's talk with Mike: He says that keeping Janelle in the game poses a bigger target on her than CT. He somewhat trusts Janelle. He hopes that him and Will can make it to the finals together. DR sessions: Erika doesn't know what George is doing. Danielle needs James to stay. Janelle thinks that James and her go so far back, but doesn't feel that she can trust James 100%. Will thinks that James is the bigger threat. Danielle will go absolutely psycho if James goes this week.

Time for the live voting: Erika--James, Will--James, Danielle--George, and Janelle--James. By a vote of 3-1, James has been evicted from the BB house.

HoH Competition: It's called BUT FIRST!! The game is similar to the Higher or Lower game. If the statement is true, step up. If it is false, step down. 1st out--George and Janelle. 2nd out--Danielle and Will. Winner of HoH--Erika. Thursday is TWO evictions! Not sure how that will go down...

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