Thursday, August 24, 2006

8/23 Live Feeds--Overnight Info

Will BB once again give the HG alcohol, or will we have to suffer through their complaining? It's another overnight, and here are the events of it from the BB house:

Danielle pushed Erika to keep James because he will go after CT for them. Erika is not budging. Danielle tells her that she will be voting to keep James tomorrow. Erika tells her that George won't put her up, so she has to vote to keep him. She then tells her that George will get rid of Janelle and Will for them because he thinks they are after him. Erika really thinks that George could win. Danielle thinks that she is crazy for thinking that. She goes on to say that James is too sneaky and that he needs to go, but he will vote for Danielle if she goes to the finals.

Janelle told Will that Erika will vote however Mike wants because she always votes along with the HoH. Will said that he is glad Marcellas went out when he did and wants Danielle out. Mike joins them and wants Janelle and Will to go to bed a little earlier tonight.

Mike told George that he was safe because both Janelle and Will are voting out James, and he will break the tie to keep him. He then tells Erika that he wants Danielle to be the only vote against George, so he would go after her should be win HoH tomorrow.

Much to James' dismay, BB gave the HG alcohol again, so expect another long night! George made a toast and thanked the HG for accepting him thus far. James and Janelle started chugging beers. Janelle chugged one in four seconds. The HG (with the exception of George and Mike, who went to bed) spent much of the night drinking and drinking and drinking.

Will assured Danielle that Janelle will win HoH tomorrow and put up CT, not Danielle. James told Danielle that he plans on putting up Erika and Mike if he wins HoH, then put up Janelle should PoV be used.

Currently, Janelle is the only one up reading the Bible.

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