Friday, July 28, 2006


Sorry for so few updates.....when the houseguests are getting up at noon-1 there time not much can go on.....

Heres the updates from this afternoon:

Nominations were today and of course there was lots of talk of who to nominate. Also people trying to make last minute deals with S6: Will of course said he would be a pawn, and wants Janelle to put up Erika. Janelle told him she wants to put up CG and Mike and backdoor a floater(thats what she told Will).

Will is still complaining about Slop and says BB won't talk to him about penalty nominations anymore. He likens it to licking a brick. James is pretty much in an alliance with Danielle and said he wont nominate or vote for her.( I think pretty soon we will have to rid of him.....james bb6)

We had an outdoor lockdown and janelle was called to DR we then had fire and when it came back the houseguests talk pointed out that Erika and Mike Boogie were nominated

Thats about all!

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